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Built by Gene Therapy experts for Gene Therapy experts focused on the treatment of rare disorders

What is Searchlight?

A vital year-round knowledge sharing and problem solving network designed to accelerate the safe delivery of gene therapies to rare disorder patients.

This network’s mission is to accelerate the delivery of safeefficacious and accessible gene therapies to rare disease patients faster.

Its purpose is to assemble unique experience-sharing collectives of gene therapy specialists to work together to tackle their most pressing shared clinicalmanufacturing and regulatory challenges.

It is the only global gene therapy network focused on rare disorders that allows the whole team to engage in the timely,  targeted exchanges of experiences and ideas in mission-critical pre-competitive areas.

How is Searchlight Different to a Conference?

Breakthroughs happen all year round, and conferences tend to take place just once a year. The Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders: Searchlight network has quarterly digital meetings so that members can work together throughout the year to access the latest thinking and benchmark against best practice to move forward faster.

Get a Shortcut to Deeper Scientific Understanding
Access peer group commentary on the true meaning behind the latest gene therapy data which is captured and shared in member-only quarterly post meeting transcripts.

Make Better Informed GTx Development Decisions
Adopt new clinical, manufacturing and regulatory approaches by accessing an online resource hub containing unpublished, peer-submitted insights & perspectives.

Influence the Development of New Industry Standards
Members collaborate and act as a singular voice to influence regulators and set industry standards, through an annual white paper and community position paper.

Save Time & Avoid Costly Discovery
Find out what didn’t work as well as what did through regular dialogue which members translate after each meeting into individual action plans.

Access Year-Round Best Practice Direct From Your Desk
Receive event highlights from 6 GTx conferences, insights from Beacon intelligence, market research and peer resources via a monthly best practice member digest.

Plug into a Ready-Made Benchmarking Network
Save time and money by accessing a dedicated network of peers you can engage without having to travel via a memberonly gene therapy directory.

Adam Shaywitz

Access the Membership Brochure


For more information on what is included as part of the Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders: Searchlight membership please download our membership brochure.

What will you learn?

  • What's included in membership
  • The member experiences
  • The benefits of membership
  • Who can you expect to be networking with?
  • How to join the network
Taylor Renshaw

Current Members

Who qualifies for the Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders: Searchlight network?

Strategic GTx-focused leaders

Member companies are represented by one internal champion who has strategic oversight over its gene therapy program

Motivated to share

Members will require a collaborative mindset, focused on what can be shared rather than being defined by what can’t

In sight of the clinic

Members will be curated based on development stage (with those either in or close to reaching the clinic having priority)

Roland Kolbeck

Join the Network

Mirjam Trame